Strat Aero Plc (LON:AERO) Subsidiary Geocurve, Director of Unmanned Services Perran Bonner talks to DirectorsTalk about the launch of new online web portal the DDM and why this is good for it’s customers.
About Geocurve – As a team of specialists surveyors and UAV/UAS operators, Geocurve Ltd. encompasses the skills of engineering, site engineering, surveying, GIS database, 3D modelling, UAV/UAS operations, airborne surveillance and hydrographic modelling. We are a team of 8 engineers, 2 data analysts, 4 UAV pilots, 1 pilot, 2 boat operators and a chartered engineer.
Strat Aero is an international aerospace services company focussed on providing fully integrated global solutions to the rapidly growing UAV market, covering all aspects of the value chain including software, hardware and services.
Strat Aero Plc Mission – With the advent of UAVs and the near exponential growth anticipated in this area, ensuring you remain at the forefront of the sector has never been so vital for many government agencies and businesses globally.
In response to this critical need for high quality aerospace and aviation services, consultancy and software, Strat Aero is focussed on becoming a fully integrated global solutions provider focused within the rapidly growing UAV market.