Mariana Resources Limited the AIM listed exploration and development company with projects in Turkey and South America, is pleased to provide the following update on the ongoing diamond drill program at the high grade Hot Maden gold-copper project. Results are reported for drill holes HTD-54 to HTD-62. Highlights: -- Infill drilling on 25m-centres on section 4,542,200N (main resource area) has returned the highest grade gold-copper intercepts from Hot Maden to date and is confirming the internal continuity of gold-copper grades within the multiphase breccia zone. Results include: HTD-60: 83.3 m @ 15.9 g/t Au + 1.57% Cu from 167m downhole. Including 36m @ 17.9 g/t Au + 1.42% Cu from 190m downhole, 3m @ 68.1 g/t Au + 2.15% Cu from 233m downhole, 3m @ 60.0 g/t Au + 0.99% Cu from 242m downhole, and 3.3m @ 21.5 g/t Au + 3.77% Cu from 247m downhole. HTD-62: 95.5m @ 32.1 g/t Au + 3.30% Cu from 36.5m downhole. Including 36m @ 70.5 g/t Au + 4.10% Cu from 64m downhole. -- Step back drilling along section 4,542,250N (main resource area) continues to expand the known resource, with drill hole HTD-54 returning 56m @ 0.8% Cu from 409m downhole. -- Exploration drilling in the southern target area, located some 400m south of the main resource area, continues to return exceptional results including: HTD-58: 23m @ 16.1 g/t Au + 1.1% Cu from 157m downhole. 1m @ 93.5 g/t Au + 0.46% Cu from 250m downhole. HTD-61: 2m @ 29.8 g/t Au from 40m downhole. 8.5m @ 11.9 g/t Au + 2.51% Cu from 239m downhole. -- An updated mineral resource estimate for the Hot Maden Project is now well advanced and is expected to be completed in early July 2016. Assay results from drill holes HTD-18 to HTD-62 will be incorporated into the existing resource model. * Note - all intersections quoted are as metres downhole. Links to Figures: Chief Executive Officer Glen Parsons today commented: "I continue to be impressed with the drilling results from the Hot Maden project which have again produced the highest gold-copper intercepts the project has seen to date. "These infill results confirm and give further confidence to the internal continuity of the high grade gold-copper mineralisation within the resource area and will certainly contribute positively to the updated mineral resource estimate due to be completed in July 2016. "In addition to the main resource area, the Company is continuing its exploration drilling programme with the focus producing outstanding results in the southern target area which is some 400m south of the current resource zone and 500m north of the historic Russian mining zone. This Russian area will be one of the next step out zones for new exploration. "The Company and its joint venture partner Lidya continues to progress the Hot Maden project up the development and exploration value curve and I look forward to updating the market in due course." Hot Maden Gold-Copper Project Update Recent drilling activities at the Hot Maden project have focused on:- -- Testing of potential extensions to the known high grade gold-copper mineral resource, -- Commencement of infill drilling on 25m-centres within the main resource area in order to confirm internal continuity of the high grade gold-copper mineralisation, -- Scout drilling of the Southern Vein Field (the northern extension of the area mined by Russian interests pre-1923). Drilling will be temporarily suspended at Hot Maden during the period July 1-11, 2016 in recognition of the Bayram holiday season. Main Resource Area - Infill Drilling Infill drilling on 25m-centres was recently initiated on section 4,542,200N (main resource area) in order to confirm internal continuity of the high grade gold-copper mineralisation. Exceptionally high grade, near surface gold-copper mineralisation was intersected in both drill holes HTD-62 (95.5m @ 32.1 g/t Au + 3.3% Cu in multiphase, chalcopyrite-pyrite-hematite-jasper breccia) and HTD-60 (83.3m @ 15.9 g/t Au + 1.57% Cu, also in sulphide-bearing multiphase breccia). Note that the ultra high grade intersection in HTD-62 is 50m north of a comparable intersection in HTD-34 (71.0m @ 32.7 g/t Au + 1.9% Cu). Main Resource Area - Extension Drilling Drill hole HTD-54 intersected a new, down-dip extension to the known gold-copper resource on section 4,542,250N. A total of 56m of multiphase, chalcopyrite-pyrite(-hematite-jasper)-bearing breccia was intersected from 409m downhole with assays returning 56m @ 0.8% Cu. An additional drill hole HTD-59 was designed to test the northwestern margin of the gold-copper resource but succeeded in intersecting zinc mineralisation. Sourthern Vein Field /HTD 27 Area Scout drilling continues in the Southern target area (the northern extension of the area mined by Russian interests prior to 1923), with exceptional assays having been returned from HTD-58 (23m @ 16.1 g/t Au + 1.10% Cu from 157m downhole and 1m @ 93.5 g/t Au + 0.46% Cu from 250m downhole) and HTD-61 (2m @ 29.8 g/t Au from 40m downhole and 8.5m @ 11.9 g/t Au + 2.51% Cu from 239m downhole). Further systematic work is currently scheduled to be undertaken in the immediate area in order to fully test the resource potential of this sector. Mineral Resource Update An updated mineral resource estimate for the Hot Maden Project, which will incorporate assay results obtained from drill holes HTD-18 up to HTD-62 into the existing mineral resource model, is currently expected to be released in early July, 2016. The updated mineral resource estimate will be undertaken by RungePincockMinarco, the independent mining consultants which completed the maiden (August, 2015) mineral resource estimate for Hot Maden. Table 1: Summary of assays for drill holes HTD-54 to HTD-62 (Cross Sections from North to South) To Intercept Au Drill Hole From (m) (m) (m) g/t Cu % Zn % Comments Cross Sections 4,542,250N and 4,542,280N Figures 2, 3 HTD-54 409.0 465.0 56.0 - 0.80 - Step back to HTD-52 Zinc Zone, HTD-59 150.0 175.0 25.0 0.5 - 0.62 NW Margin of Main Zone 177.7 182.0 4.3 - 3.09 0.63 194.0 214.0 20.0 - - 1.21 230.0 238.0 8.0 - - 2.75 Cross Section 4,542,200N Figures 2, 4 Infill hole (Between HTD-10 and HTD-15), HTD-60 97.0 102.0 5.0 0.6 - 2.63 Main Zone 111.0 112.0 1.0 4.0 3.51 - 167.0 250.3 83.3 15.9 1.57 - Including 190.0 226.0 36.0 17.9 1.42 - 233.0 236.0 3.0 68.1 2.15 - 242.0 245.0 3.0 60.0 0.99 - 247.0 250.3 3.3 21.5 3.77 - Infill hole (Between HTD-10 and HTD-24, Main HTD-62 22.0 28.5 6.5 0.8 . 2.54 Zone 36.5 132.0 95.5 32.1 3.30 - Including 64.0 100.0 36.0 70.5 4.10 - Cross Section 4,542,020N and 4,542,050N Figure 2 HTD-56 23.5 27.5 4.0 0.6 - - Ridge Area 38.3 46.0 7.7 0.9 - - HTD-57 27.0 31.0 4.0 0.4 - 5.63 Ridge Area 52.0 65.0 13.0 0.9 0.41 - Cross Section 4,541,875N Figure 2, 5 HTD-58 125.0 131.0 6.0 4.1 0.49 - Step back to HTD-27 143.0 144.0 1.0 3.5 - - 157.0 180.0 23.0 16.1 1.10 - 210.0 213.0 3.0 2.3 0.48 - 250.0 251.0 1.0 93.5 0.46 - 266.0 268.0 2.0 4.4 - - 328.0 330.0 2.0 4.0 - - Southern Vein Field 4,541,700N and 4,541,750N Figures 2, 6 Eastern Margin, Zinc HTD-55 50.8 54.0 3.2 - - 1.84 Zone 69.0 72.0 3.0 - - 1.82 86.0 100.5 14.5 1.1 - 2.89 Step back to HTD-50 / HTD-61 40.0 42.0 2.0 29.8 - - HTD-53 62.0 64.0 2.0 3.8 - - 106.0 108.0 2.0 6.5 1.07 - 124.0 126.0 2.0 7.9 - - 146.0 148.0 2.0 3.3 - -
236.0 237.0 1.0 9.6 0.60 - 239.0 247.5 8.5 11.9 2.51 - Quality Control and Assurance Mineralised intervals presented in Table 1 are drill intersection widths and may not represent true widths of mineralisation. Drill core obtained from the diamond drill program was dominantly HQ-sized core with the remainder being PQ-sized core. All drill core was photographed and quick logged prior to sampling. Standard sampling protocol involved the halving of all drill core and sampling over generally 1 m intervals (in clearly mineralised sections) or 2 m intervals (elsewhere), with one half of the core being placed in a sealed sample bag and dispatched to the analytical laboratory for analysis. Samples have been analysed at ALS Laboratories' facility in Izmir, western Turkey. All samples have been analysed for gold using a 30g Fire Assay with AAS finish (or Screen Fire Assay for higher grade samples), in addition to a 32 element ICP-AES analysis of an aqua regia digest. Samples in which ICP analyses returned greater than the maximum detection limit for the elements Ag (10 ppm), Cu (10,000 ppm), Fe (15%), Pb (10,000 ppm), and Zn (10,000 ppm) were reanalysed using the AAS analytical technique, Standards and blanks were inserted in to the analytical sequence on the basis of one standard for every 20 samples, 2 blanks in every batch, and one duplicate every 40 samples. Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) No HSE incidents have been reported during the current diamond drill program. Hot Maden drill holes - technical data Technical data relating to Hot Maden drill holes HTD-54 to HTD-62 are given in the following tables. Main Resource Area - Extension and Infill Drilling Elevation Dip Depth Hole ID Easting Northing (m) Azimuth (degrees) (m) Assays HTD-54 740,472.2 4,542,264.7 875.3 090 -63 336 Complete HTD-59 740,526.5 4,542,284.8 877.6 088 -59 279 Complete HTD-60 740,503.2 4,542,203.5 855.3 090 -49 300 Complete HTD-62 740,580.8 4,542,201.7 862.2 090 -43 141 Complete Southern Extension / HTD-27 Area / Southern Vein Field Elevation Dip Depth Hole ID Easting Northing (m) Azimuth (degrees) (m) Assays HTD-55 740,552.1 4,541,757.2 885.7 090 -58 180 Complete HTD-56 740,491.0 4,542,052.8 929.6 090 -60 105 Complete HTD-57 740,607.3 4,542,023.8 927.8 270 -56 237 Complete HTD-58 740,450.6 4,541,876.4 910.3 095 -61 360 Complete HTD-61 740,419.7 4,541,749.8 886.2 090 -64 450 Complete