Diesel-gate, air pollution, the renewable revolution – clean energy and sustainable transport have scarcely enjoyed so much press coverage. Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power – a company pioneering hydrogen energy storage and fuel cell technology – aims to transform both the energy and transport sectors as they undergo perhaps the most radical step-change in history.
Tell us, in 20 words or fewer, about ITM Power – what’s your mission?
To store renewable energy by producing hydrogen for use in the gas-grid as renewable heat or to replace fossil fuels.
What drives you?
At ITM Power we are in the process of replacing petrol and diesel with a totally clean and renewable fuel, hydrogen. We also have the lowest cost solution to renewable energy storage. I can’t think of a worthier objective; clean air, zero carbon transport and energy and the world free from the politics of oil and gas. These objectives drive me, every day!
What is your greatest achievement to date?
We have achieved a huge amount at ITM Power. The achievements are not mine, they are the product of an incredibly enthusiastic team. We worked with Shell to install the first electrolytic hydrogen refuelling station on a petrol forecourt in the UK, a massive achievement. We built the first power-to-gas rapid response energy storage plant in Germany with the Thuega group and are building the first one in the UK with National Grid and Northern Gas Networks. Apart from these our greatest achievements are certainly still to come.