HSCN – Health & Social Care Network – is the data network for health and care organisations that replaced the N3 network in April this year. The migration to HSCN is planned to be completed by August 2020. It will support around 35,000 digital connections across England and Wales – more if it reaches its full potential – creating the largest public-sector network infrastructure in the UK.
The ultimate goal is to support better integration across health and social care organisations, but it also represents an important opportunity for health organisations to achieve significant cost savings on network spend.
In defining HSCN, NHS Digital has created a competitive market place of compliant suppliers.
AdEPT Telecom plc (LON:ADT) is the largest SME provider of network services to the public sector and has a strong customer base in public and private health organisations. As a Crown Commercial Services supplier, with the right to supply services under the CCS Network Services Framework RM1045, AdEPT is well-positioned to offer HSCN compliant network services to health and social care organisations.
“AdEPT was awarded approved supplier status on RM1045 in July 2015 for all 4 lots that it applied for and has since won several significant contracts across these” added Tim Scott, Group Head of Commercial. “We see this as a fantastic vehicle for public sector health to place requirements now”.