The Directors of European Metals Holdings Ltd (LON:EMH), the speciality lithium exploration and development company with assets in the Czech Republic, has today released its interim unaudited financial report for the half year ended 31 December 2017.
Highlights in the period include:
Project Development
During the period the Company undertook a six core-hole infill drilling program at Cinovec.
A total of 2,697.1m was completed on time and without loss time accidents. Infill drilling was undertaken to the southwest section of the deposit, targeting two ‘gaps’ in the resource model that could potentially be targeted for mining in the initial years, and upgrading part of the resource from the Inferred category to the higher confidence Indicated category. The results exceeded expectations.
This drilling campaign culminated in the Company announcing a further upgrade of its JORC Compliant Indicated Mineral Resources at Cinovec on November 28th, confirming its status as the largest lithium resource in Europe.
On December 19th, the Company announced that the Cinovec NorthWest Resource had been added to the Czech State resource register. The NorthWest Resource now joins the Cinovec South Resource that was added to the resource register in February 2017. This is the first step in the process for the granting of a mining permit.
Craig Reimer was appointed to the position of DFS Manager during the quarter ending September 2017. Craig has over 25 years’ experience in project management, engineering management and business development, and has delivered successful international mining projects for previous clients. Craig is a Mechanical Engineer.
The Company also appointed Grant Harman as Metallurgical Consultant to the DFS. Grant is one of the world’s foremost lithium metallurgists and played a significant role in the Company’s successful Pre-Feasibility Study.