U.S. government agencies are working hard to solve the problem of botnets and other cyber threats, and are asking for input from various stakeholders. In July 2017 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted a Workshop on “Enhancing Resilience of the Internet and Communications Ecosystem.” The proceedings of that workshop were published as NISTIR 8192, “Enhancing Resilience of the Internet and Communications Ecosystem: A NIST Workshop Proceedings.” Then, in early January the US Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of Homeland Security submitted A Report to the President on Enhancing the Resilience of the Internet and Communications Ecosystem against Botnets and Other Automated, Distributed Threats.”
To follow up on that report, which was open to public comments for 30 days, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted a 2nd workshop, called “Enhancing Resilience of the Internet & Communications.” The workshop was held February 28-March 1 at NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCEO) in Rockville, Maryland.
The workshop discussed substantive public comments, including open issues, on the draft report about actions to address automated and distributed threats to the digital ecosystem as part of the activity directed by Executive Order 13800, “Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.” According to the NIST website, “The Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security seek to engage all interested stakeholders—including private industry, academia, civil society, and other security experts—on the draft report, its characterization of the threat landscape, the goals laid out, and the actions to further these goals.” A final report from the departments of Homeland Security and Commerce, incorporating comments and other feedback received, is due to President Trump on May 11, 2018.
These workshops and reports are important steps in the right direction. It seems quite clear to various stakeholders across industry and government sectors that industry-government collaboration is essential to thwart cyber security threats. For starters, government can walk the talk by implementing best security practices and technologies in its operations, whether at federal or state levels. In addition, government can influence the marketplace via regulations and policies that are designed to make the Internet safer. For example, government may mandate that manufacturers build in tighter security for IoT devices, to make it harder for hackers to recruit those devices into botnets. Another possibility is that the government may impose regulations on Internet service providers, requiring them to provide protection from DDoS attacks, for example.