New technology is changing the way people work. However, more applications, connections and multiple devices make IT infrastructures increasingly complex, costly and time-consuming to secure. A recent McAfee survey estimates that cyber-crime is costing the global economy as much as $600 billion annually and with new threats emerging all the time, security isn’t something you can cut corners with.
You need to protect your organisation with proactive 247 monitoring, detection and response. To do that in-house you need:
• Industrial- strength levels of documentation, processes, and procedures.
• Highly qualified engineers and security specialists to man your Security Operations Centre 24/7, to analyse information continuously, and be able to respond to that intelligence immediately.
Adept4 delivers IT as a Service to small and medium-sized businesses across the UK. ITaaS provides you with exactly the amount of technology to support your need in accordance with business requirements, billed on a monthly basis, based on what is consumed. As of 1st March 2018, MXC Capital Limited holds a 25% share in Adept4 plc.