Waste to energy is still a growth market in Europe. The number of facilities commissioned is set to rise in the years ahead, the consulting firm Ecoprog announced at the publication of the latest edition of its waste to energy study. Ecoprog anticipates that around 50 additional plants with capacity to treat roughly 18 million tonnes a year will get up and running over the next five years.
The consulting firm singles out EU waste policy as the main driver. This legislation was unleashing a renewed boom in the very country that will leave the EU this year: the UK had raised its landfill tax substantially as part of its efforts to implement the EU Landfill Directive. Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) exports had jumped to 3.4 million tonnes in 2018 as a result, according to Ecoprog.
Powerhouse Energy Group PLC (LON:PHE) has developed the innovative PHE DMG® System, their proprietary thermal conversion technology. DMG® technology provides a mechanism to dispose of a wide range of waste streams by using them as feedstock that can be converted to EcoSynthesis Gas.