Owners of high-rise buildings are under intense scrutiny to improve safety for residents, and new technologies like the digital twin can play an important role in achieving that
Here, Lee McDougall, geomatic director at building consultancy and architecture practice AHR, looks at how a digital twin can be applied in a high-rise property to give owners a better understanding of their buildings and ultimately improve safety for their residents.
The construction industry has made encouraging strides in adopting new technologies over the past few years. The sector’s come a long way since the introduction of BIM and there’s a clear push towards a digital future, with companies introducing entirely new ways of working centred around innovative technologies.
GS Technologies Ltd (LON:GST), through its subsidiary, EMS Wiring Systems Pte. Ltd, provides services in the “Smart Building” sector. Smart Building is a diverse term that refers to the technological capabilities of buildings and other work place facilities.