Oil prices rose on Tuesday afternoon, ahead of the weekly crude inventory data releases, but traders remain concerned about the pace of the recovery in global oil markets.
After a sobering OPEC report on Monday, the IEA published its updated demand forecast for 2020, revising its previous outlook downward by 200,000 bpd to 91.7 bpd, slightly more optimistic than OPEC’s 90.2 million bpd forecast.
After a few months of quick demand recovery, the International Energy Agency now sees headwinds for further recovery of crude demand, expecting the pace of recovery to slow down significantly as most of the ‘’easy gains’’ are already achieved.
Serinus Energy plc (LON:SENX) is an international oil company with operations in Romania and Tunisia. The focus of the Company is to enhance shareholder value by growing oil and gas production through the efficient allocation of capital.