Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc (LON:CMCL) has announced that its Central Shaft is now fully operational.
Commenting on the announcement, Steve Curtis, Chief Executive Officer, said:
“I am delighted to announce that our new Central Shaft, which is the deepest shaft of any gold mine in Zimbabwe, is fully operational. We can now start to hoist rock, men and material on a daily basis, which will solve our hoisting constraints and facilitate the planned expansion in mine capacity targeting 80,000 oz of gold production per year.
“Commissioning the Central Shaft has been the culmination of a six-year project costing approximately $67million, all funded through internal cash flow.
“This has been an owner-funded and built project by the Blanket team and I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and especially for achieving the completion of the shaft without any serious accidents, recording only two lost time injuries.”