Gold and silver prices today edged higher in Indian markets, tracking positive global cues. On MCX, gold rose 0.24% to near four-month high of ₹48519 while silver rates jumped 0.5% to ₹71,440 per kg. In the previous session gold had declined 0.22% while silver had slumped 1.7%. In international markets, gold inched higher to near 4-month high as a slide in cryptocurrencies further lifted the safe-haven metal’s appeal.
The precious metal was also supported by a weaker US dollar and expectations of growing inflationary pressure. Spot gold was up 0.2% at $1,883.21 per ounce. Among other precious metals, silver gained 0.4% to $27.64 while platinum climbed 0.6% to $1,173.03.
Panthera Resources Plc (LON:PAT) was incorporated in the UK and Wales in 2017. The company is focused on its gold exploration and development projects in India and West Africa and the optimisation of other mineral projects.