Gold prices in India have finally reached beyond the Rs 47,000 mark after seeing a dip at the start of this week. Today, the gold rate is up by Rs 450 per 10 gram. The 22-carat gold is sold for Rs 46,190 per 10 gram and 24-carat gold is priced at Rs 47,190, according to Goodreturns website.
On the Multi Commodity Exchange, gold contracts for the August delivery traded higher by Rs 137, or 0.29 per cent, to Rs 46,976 per 10 grams in a business turnover of 10,934 lots. Fresh positions built up by participants led to the rise in gold prices, as per the PTI report.
Panthera Resources Plc (LON:PAT) was incorporated in the UK and Wales in 2017. The company is focused on its gold exploration and development projects in India and West Africa and the optimisation of other mineral projects.