Nanoparticles are particles that are smaller than 100 nanometer (1/10,000 millimeter) which is about 40,000 times thinner than a hair. There are two forms of nanoparticles: soluble and biodegradable nanoemulsions such as liposomes and insoluble nanopigments such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.
Nanoemulsions are cosmetic preparations containing oil and water droplets reduced to nanometric size to increase the content of nutritious oils while preserving the transparency of the formulas. They are used to protect fragile active ingredients, like vitamins, which are released upon contact with the skin. Nanoemulsions do not cross the skin barrier and are recognized as safe by Health Agencies.
Nanosynth Group plc (LON:NNN) nano-technology business that originated in Nottingham from a partnership with Nottingham Trent University. Their core mission is to develop unique ways to produce and apply nanoparticles.