Zinc Media Group plc (LON:ZIN), the award-winning television, brand and audio production group, has announced a trading update ahead of its Annual General Meeting being held today.
Since the trading update on 26 April 2023, the Group has continued to perform very well winning an additional £3m of new business which is expected to be recognised in the current financial year. As a result, total revenue won and due to be recognised in FY23 is now £29m (26 May 2022: £17m).
Growth continues to come from all divisions. The Group’s pipeline remains strong with a further £5m of revenue for recognition in FY23 in highly advanced discussions.
Mark Browning, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
“During the last month we have continued our strong momentum in FY23, and continue to win high quality work across all our businesses. This gives increasing confidence that our performance is in line with market expectations. Our programmes are world class with many of them making headlines around the globe including Putin vs The West, Bowelbabe and most recently Paid in Full: The Battle for Payback (working title) in partnership with Idris and Sabrina Elba which was announced earlier this week”.