In a testament to the power of global collaboration, Device Authority recently witnessed the convergence of its US and UK teams in two distinct yet complementary gatherings. Amy Chu, VP Customer Success, chronicles the enriching experiences of the US team’s face-to-face summit, while Darren Cubbage, Engineering Manager, provides insights into the unity and inspiration emanating from the 2024 UK Company Get-Together. These parallel events, occurring on different continents, reflect the shared commitment and strategic vision propelling Device Authority into a year of unprecedented growth and innovation.
Strengthening Connection for Growth – Amy Chu’s Perspective
By Amy Chu, VP Customer Success
In the world of virtual collaboration, organizing an in-person summit for the Device Authority US Team felt truly special. After months of virtual meetings, I saw how important face-to-face connections are. The summit had clear goals: build team spirit, continue to evolve our customer-centric strategy, and get aligned on product development. With shared meals, socializing, and focused discussions, the US Team strengthened bonds and set a clear path for the year ahead. The mix of personal connections and tangible results from our collaboration paved the way for growth and success in the coming year.