Quantum dots are incredibly small, effectively zero-dimensional particles made from semiconductor materials. They are a few nanometers wide, consisting of just a few dozen atoms. Despite their crystal-like structure, quantum dots behave more like individual atoms due to their size, and they are sometimes referred to as artificial atoms. These particles have energy levels that are quantized, meaning they can absorb and emit light in specific wavelengths depending on their size. Larger quantum dots tend to emit light with longer wavelengths, like red, while smaller ones produce shorter wavelengths, such as blue.
The unique properties of quantum dots arise from their ability to confine electrons in a way that makes them behave differently from other materials. These tiny particles are controlled to produce light at precise wavelengths, a phenomenon known as fluorescence. When energy is applied to a quantum dot, it excites electrons within the particle, causing it to emit light of a particular colour once the electron returns to a lower energy state. The size of the dot directly affects the colour of light emitted, which is why quantum dots are ideal for a wide range of optical applications.
Quantum dots are produced using various methods, including molecular beam epitaxy, ion implantation, and X-ray lithography. Recent studies have even explored the possibility of creating quantum dots through biological processes. As technology advances, so too does the potential for quantum dots to revolutionise various industries.
One of the most exciting areas of application for quantum dots is in optical technology. They are being used to create more efficient and vibrant displays, such as in computer screens and televisions, where they can replace traditional light sources. Quantum dots offer significant improvements over older technologies like LCDs and OLEDs by providing brighter, more energy-efficient displays that require no backlight. They also hold great promise for enhancing solar cell efficiency, as they are capable of producing more electrons per photon than conventional semiconductor materials.
Additionally, quantum dots are making strides in the field of imaging and sensing. In digital cameras and other optical devices, they can be used to create smaller and more efficient sensors. Their ability to control the emission of light with high precision makes them useful in applications that require a high degree of accuracy, such as medical imaging and sensors for detecting biological threats.
The use of quantum dots also extends to biological and chemical applications. In medicine, they are being explored as a means to deliver targeted cancer treatments more precisely, reducing side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy. Quantum dots can also replace organic dyes in biological research, offering longer-lasting, more vibrant alternatives for staining and tracking specific cells under a microscope.
As research into quantum dots continues, new possibilities are emerging across various fields. From improving solar energy capture to developing new medical therapies, quantum dots are proving to be an invaluable tool. The discovery of quantum dots in the 1980s by Russian physicist Alexei Ekimov and American chemist Louis Brus paved the way for a new era in materials science, and their potential is only just beginning to be realised. In recognition of their groundbreaking work, Ekimov, Brus, and Bawendi were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2023.
Quantum dots are poised to be transformative across several industries due to their unique ability to emit controlled light and interact with energy in ways that other materials cannot. Their wide-ranging applications, from display technology to medical treatments, highlight the incredible potential of these tiny particles. As research continues, we can expect quantum dots to play a major role in shaping future technologies.
Nanoco Group PLC (LON:NANO) leads the world in the research, development and large-scale manufacture of heavy metal-free nanomaterials for use in displays, lighting, vertical farming, solar energy and bio-imaging.