Manchester Science Partnership’s Alderley Park campus has launched an open-access, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) facility.
Typically, the only way for companies to access NMR spectroscopy equipment has been through academia, however the Cheshire bioscience campus has now opened up access to its two spectrometers – 500 MHz and 700 MHz for commercial use as well as offering specialist advice and expertise on how they can be best used by companies performing chemistry synthesis, creating proteins, conducting biophysical studies or involved in the drug discovery process.
Dr Chris Doherty, managing director at Alderley Park, said: “We know that businesses have particular requirements when using NMR spectrometry and we’ve been able to tailor our service to offer the kind of unfettered access that companies need for their research.
“In addition to providing open and timely access to the equipment, we can offer advice and guidance as how best to use the technology, helping early-stage companies to obtain useful data quickly and efficiently, while avoiding pitfalls associated with the technique. – See more at: