The Blanket gold mine can truly be classified as a survivor. Formal mining operations started in the early 1900s.
More than a century later, Blanket is still going strong with +1 Moz having been produced over its life from both fresh ore and tailings.
Located 15 km north-west of Gwanda in Zimbabwe in the Gwanda greenstone belt, AIM and NYSE American-listed Caledonia Mining acquired the Blanket property from Kinross in 2006 and over the past several years in particular has steadily upped production from around 42 000 oz in 2015 to approximately 54 000 oz in 2019.
Caledonia Mining Corporation plc (LON:CMCL) is a profitable cash generative gold producer with a strong growth profile, Caledonia’s primary asset is the Blanket Mine in Zimbabwe.