Gold prices in India moved higher for the third day in a row, edging closer to record highs. On MCX, June gold futures rose 0.3% to about ₹46,800 per 10 gram. In the previous session, gold had surged about 1.4%, tracking strong global cues. Last month, gold prices had hit record high of ₹47,327 per 10 gram. Silver futures on MCX surged ₹615 to ₹44,750 per kg, extending their ₹1,090 gain of the previous session.
In global markets, gold prices edge higher amid expectations of more stimulus from governments and central banks. US-China tensions also boosted the safe-haven appeal of gold. US President Donald Trump is open to negotiations on another possible stimulus bill amid the pandemic, a White House spokeswoman said. Among other precious metals, platinum eased 0.1% to $767.29, while silver rose 0.7% to $15.97.
Panthera Resources Plc (LON:PAT) was incorporated in the UK and Wales in 2017. The company is focused on its gold exploration and development projects in India and West Africa and the optimisation of other mineral projects.