Gold prices in India edged higher today amid mixed global cues. On MCX, August gold futures were up 0.35% to ₹47,180 per 10 gram after a two-day decline. Silver futures on MCX rose 0.7% to ₹47,719 per kg. In the previous session, gold had weakened 0.64% while silver fell 0.8% on MCX. Gold prices in India have remained volatile after hitting a record high of about ₹48,000 last month. Globally also gold has struggled to break above above $1750/ounce.
In global markets, gold prices were flat today as the US dollar weakened after Federal Reserve announced it would buy individual corporate bonds in the secondary market. A rebound in global equity markets also capped gold’s upside. Spot gold was flat at $1,725.23 per ounce. Among other precious metals, platinum rose 0.7% to $817.20, while silver fell 0.4% to $17.37.
Panthera Resources Plc (LON:PAT) was incorporated in the UK and Wales in 2017. The company is focused on its gold exploration and development projects in India and West Africa and the optimisation of other mineral projects.