Tone Goh, Executive Chairman of GST, commented: “We look forward to welcoming Wilson to the Company, he has great experience in the network and datacentre space and he will be a key member of the team developing our project in Thailand.
“We would like to thank Pierre for his valuable contribution to GST and the role he has played in the Company’s growth. We understand his desire to refocus his expertise on opportunities in the mining sector and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”
Golden Saint Technologies Ltd (LON:GST), the integrated information and communication technology infrastructure solutions provider, announced that Pierre Fourie, Group Managing Director of GST, has today resigned from the Board of the Company with immediate effect to return to his long-standing interests in the mining sector.
GST is pleased to announce the appointment of Wilson Teng Wai Leung as Managing Director of GST (Thailand) Private Ltd, a joint venture subsidiary company to be formed by the Company in Q4 2019, a non-Board position, effective from 15 August 2019.
Wilson has more than 20 years’ experience in the technology and datacentre arena, including working for publicly listed businesses in Singapore, Hong Kong and the US. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge of the sector and the Asian technology markets which are key to our data centre plans.