Harnessing tidal energy for data centres

The MeyGen project, located north of Scotland, is set to become the world’s largest tidal energy plant, leveraging the power of strong waves. In collaboration with SIMEC Atlantis Energy, efforts are underway to explore the feasibility of utilising this consistent renewable energy source for data centres.

Data centres are among the most significant power consumers worldwide, driven by AECOM’s ever-increasing demand for digital information. According to NodeGraph, a data intelligence platform, every individual generates 1.7 megabytes of new data every second, roughly equivalent to 340 emails. This immense demand necessitates the use of clean and reliable energy sources to ensure sustainability.

AECOM’s collaboration with SIMEC Atlantis Energy focuses on their MeyGen tidal energy plant in the Pentland Firth, situated between the Scottish mainland and the Orkney Islands. This location boasts some of the world’s most potent tidal currents, reaching speeds of up to 11 miles per hour. The project aims to determine if a data centre can be efficiently powered by this robust renewable energy source, supplemented by grid backup. The naturally low temperatures of the region provide an additional advantage by helping to cool the data centre.

Strategically positioned near several existing and planned high-speed international fibre optic cables, the site presents an ideal location for this venture. Currently, MeyGen has a capacity of 6 megawatts, with ambitious plans to expand by an additional 80 megawatts. This expansion has the potential to serve as a blueprint for other ocean-powered facilities, demonstrating the viability of using tidal energy to meet the substantial energy demands of data centres.

SAE Renewables Limited (LON:SAE) was founded in 2005 as a supplier of tidal stream turbines, SAE quickly grew to include development of tidal stream projects and is the majority owner of MeyGen, the world’s largest tidal stream energy project.

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