Investors are searching for easily tradable or highly liquid stocks, here we screened W Resources Plc stock with recent volume of 7597305 shares. Particularly for day traders, high volume is crucial, as the higher the volume the more liquid the stock is. Looking around last three track record, it holds trading capacity of 19.691M shares on average basis. If you own a stock that has extremely low daily volume, it may be difficult to get free of in a short time period. WRES registered activity of relative volume at 0.39 ×.
W Resources Plc (WRES) belongs to Materials sector that received attractive attention from Investors and traders. It is going under observations and created a move of -GBX0.01 at recent price at GBX0.15 in most recent Trading session. W Resources Plc stock price identified moved of GBX1 +286.67% from its 52-week maximum price level and marked a change of GBX0 -36.67% from its 52-week minimum price level. These 52-week values data help to compare its recent price with high or low prices inside a one-year framework.
W Resources Plc (LON:WRES) engages in the exploration and development of tungsten, tin, copper, and gold properties.