Your roof is the first line of defence against the weather. It can often get overlooked, because let’s face it, on large buildings you can’t see it – out of sight out of mind. However, if left unmaintained in can corrode and not only will it start causing problems with leaking and safety issues, but it can also corrode beyond repair and need full replacement – causing greater expense and periods of unuse.
It’s not uncommon for us to be called upon to survey a roof because millions of pounds have been spent on the internal fit-out before the roof has been fixed. Water ends up dripping on refurbishment work, new ceilings and sometimes very expensive equipment. It’s advisable to always work outside in.
Applied Graphene Materials (LON:AGM) manufacture production ready graphene based Genable® dispersions, with product integration expertise to deliver multi-functional performance enhancements across a wide range of applications.