Electric vehicle sales in India are witnessing sustained growth month on month but if additional quantitative proof of the growing consumer shift to electric mobility in India is required, then it came on August 10, 2023 in the form of Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari’s written reply in the Lok Sabha. As per the data provided by the Union Minister and sourced from the government’s Vahan website, there are over 2.8 million registered electric vehicles (EVs) – 28,30,565 units – on Indian roads as of August 8, 2023.
The data, indicative of EV sales over a 10-year period (see decadal EV sales data table below) reflects the cumulative number of registered EVs in 27 states and seven Union Territories in the country. The overall number though will be more, given that the Vahan data does not factor EV sales from Telangana and Lakshadweep.
Saietta Group plc (LON:SED) is a multi-national business which designs, engineers and manufactures complete Light Duty and Heavy Duty electric drive (eDrive) systems for electric vehicles on land from scooters to buses (vehicle categories L, M, N and T) as well as marine applications.