As businesses look to utilise new technology to enhance employee welfare, improve their environmental impact and ultimately cut down on utility bills, landlords are upping their investment in smart buildings. According to a new survey, over half of landlords across Europe and North America now see smart controls and sensors as important in building management.
With organisations of all shapes and sizes looking to make efficiency savings while downsizing their carbon footprints, the idea of smart building technology seems to have come of age. Data from the Carbon Trust estimates that the UK’s healthcare sector alone spends more than £400 million per year on energy – something which has seen Navigant forecast that annual spending on energy efficient building technologies in healthcare facilities will hit $6.4 billion by 2027.
GS Technologies Ltd (LON:GST), through its subsidiary, EMS Wiring Systems Pte. Ltd, provides services in the “Smart Building” sector. Smart Building is a diverse term that refers to the technological capabilities of buildings and other work place facilities.