KRM22 announced the release of its new Market Intelligence (MI) Dashboards for its Market Surveillance tool which will be available to all KRM22 Surveillance customers on the Global Risk Platform. The Dashboards are designed to present important surveillance KPIs in a single place, share insights with c-level executives in an effective way, and allow the management to make quick and data-driven decisions based on real-time information.
The information gained will empower senior compliance staff and managers to get a clearer picture of their surveillance operations, identify trends, determine what kind of KPI management improvements are needed, and generate actionable insights across their surveillance program. We have prepared 2 standard management dashboard templates that can be used to further develop more personalized dashboards suited to our client’s specific business needs.
KRM22’s Global Risk Platform provides applications to help you address your firm’s regulatory, market, technology and operations risk challenges and to manage your entire enterprise risk profile. KRM22 is a public Group listed on AIM and headquartered in London.