Michael McNeilly Chief Executive Officer of Metal Tiger commented:
“We are very pleased to announce further wide copper intersections on the A4 Dome, where drilling is building out copper mineralisation in a way reminiscent of the T3 Deposit. We are looking forward to determining whether the visibly strong vein hosted mineralisation seen in one of the latest holes, MO-A4-008D, correlates with the high-grade assay intersections in hole MO-A4-003D, which are separated by a strike distance of 400m”.
Metal Tiger plc (LON:MTR), the London Stock Exchange AIM listed investor in strategic natural resource opportunities, provided an update regarding the Company’s Joint Venture project with partner MOD Resources Limited (ASX:MOD) in the Kalahari Copper Belt in Botswana (70% MOD Resources/30% Metal Tiger).
Latest batch of assay results confirm further copper intersections at A4 Dome, located 8km from T3 Project:
Hole MO-A4-003D, down hole intersections:
31.2m @ 1.1% Cu & 11g/t Ag from 560m, including
5.0m @ 2.2% Cu & 22g/t Ag, from 586m (NPF contact)
Previously reported upper intersection: 52m @ 1.5% Cu & 14g/t Ag from 232m, including 15.5m @ 2.9% Cu & 42g/t Ag, from 269m (6 August 2018).
Hole MO-A4-004D, down hole intersections:
19.3m @ 1.0% Cu & 10g/t Ag from 485m, including
4.3m @ 2.3% Cu & 21g/t Ag, from 500m (NPF contact)
Assays results awaited for two further holes with potentially significant visible chalcocite and bornite vein hosted mineralisation logged:
MO-A4-005D (230m south of MO-A4-003D) visible mineralisation from 443m downhole.
MO-A4-008D (400m west of MO-A4-003D) wide zone of visible and locally strong mineralisation from 230m downhole.
Two stratigraphic zones of mineralisation upper south dipping high grade veins above the lower NPF contact.
Nine holes to date at A4 Dome have intersected copper mineralisation, only 1km of 5km long interpreted structural target zone tested to date.
This announcement coincides with an update released today by MOD which can be viewed through the following link:
A4 Dome Drilling Update
The circa 5km long A4 Dome is located 8km from the 60Mt T3 Pit Project and planned processing plant.
The A4 Dome and the A1 Dome, together with the T3 Deposit, form part of the ~700km2 T3 Dome Complex.
Assay results and infill drilling are required to help determine whether the strong vein hosted mineralisation seen in MO-A4-008D correlates with that intersected in MO-A4-003D.
The NPF contact hosts most of the resources in the eastern Kalahari Copper Belt, including the 100Mt @ 2% Cu ‘Zone 5’ underground resource planned to be developed by Cupric Canyon Capital, along strike from the T3 Dome Complex.
The NPF contact may underlie a wide area of the T3 Dome Complex, including the T3 Deposit where many holes intersected the NPF mineralisation similar to A4 Dome.
Five drilling rigs now on site with more to commence drilling in next few days.
In addition to its 30% interest in the JV, Metal Tiger holds 13,880,042 MOD shares, equivalent to 5.996 % of MOD’s issued share capital and 154,167 MOD options each exercisable price of 6 cents (Australian) on or before 15 April 2019.