The threats the World faces from Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) substances are probably higher than they have ever been. Arguably, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction now present the biggest challenges, necessitating a global re-evaluation of disaster response protocols. Illustrated by the COVID 19 pandemic, Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, the Fukushima and Chernobyl Nuclear Disasters, when responding reactively, control is quickly lost, and major consequences ensue as a result.
Lack of preparation for such events ultimately leads to poor decision-making and, therefore, inefficient crisis management. To minimise humanitarian and economic suffering, clarity is essential in making such significant decisions.
Kromek Group plc designs, develops and produces x-ray and gamma-ray imaging and radiation detection products for the medical, CBRNe security, Homeland Security and civil nuclear radiation detection markets.