Automotive Services

Marshall Motor Holdings Plc

Value your vehicle

Obtaining a no obligation valuation is free, simple and easy. Plus, you can be sure of best prices paid alongside outstanding part exchange valuations. Find out your car/van value instantly

Marshall Motor Holdings Plc

Lockdown 2.0 update

Following the announcement of new national restrictions from 5 November until 2 December 2020, we want to update our customers on a number of changes to our dealership operations and

Marshall Motor Holdings Plc

Car dealership showrooms should open in lockdown

Car dealers are arguing that their showrooms should stay open during the new lockdown announced by the UK Government at the weekend. After Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated non-essential retailers

Surface Transforms Plc

10 most advanced cars across the globe

Koenigsegg Gemera (600hp from a 2.0-litre 3 cylinder engine) Koenigsegg is a unique name and so is the technology behind its vehicles. One such vehicle from this carmaker is the