Last week, Brent crude oil inched above US$88 per barrel, marking the highest level since October 2014. Nudging oil prices northwards on the international benchmark was an attack on an oil tanker in the Middle East by Houthi rebels from Yemen, which resulted in explosions on three oil-carrying vessels at Abu Dhabi National Oil Co’s (Adnoc) storage facilities.
Goldman Sachs forecasts oil at US$90 per barrel in the first quarter of the year, US$95 in 2Q2022 and US$100 in the last two quarters of the year, or US$100 per barrel after June 2022. The investment bank notes that oil is in a “surprisingly large deficit” with the Omicron variant of Covid-19 having little adverse impact on demand, production shortfalls in Brazil and Norway, and a lack of drilling activities that will curb efforts to ramp up production, among other reasons for higher oil prices.
Serinus Energy plc (LON:SENX) is an international oil company with operations in Romania and Tunisia. The focus of the Company is to enhance shareholder value by growing oil and gas production through the efficient allocation of capital.