Strat Aero Plc (LON:AERO) subsidiary Geocurve Director of Unmanned Services Perran Bonner caught up with DirectorsTalk for an exclusive interview to discuss the launch of their new online web portal, Digital Data Manager (DDM)
Q1: Now, we’re talking about delivering UAV data to customers so if I can start by asking why is this important to you and the industry?
A1: Essentially, gathering data from unmanned platforms is one thing however presenting to a customer in a format that’s usable, cohesive and clear is another matter. Typically, one day in the field can lead to 3-4 days of editing to create a report of professional standard.
Q2: How has this been undertaken in the past?
A2: Historically, many operators have presented data to a customer that they then have to edit into their workflows and this has historically cost the customer time and money so we’re essentially taking that away from the customer.
Q3: So what is it that you’ve developed?
A3: We’ve got a team of very clever software developers that have spent years defining a professional software platform for the aviation industry and we’ve taken that, evolved it and tweaked it, to incorporate engineering data and present our survey locations in a geographical format.
Q4: Now, this is not something that can be purchased from off the shelf, why is that?
A4: By nature of what we do and what our customers require, it’s different to buy a programme off the shelf. DDM, or Digital Data Manager as we call it, is a coded development that can be updated at any time to meet our customer needs across the Strat Aero group.
Q5: So definitely a unique piece of software, just for the Strat Aero customers?
A5: Yes, 100% unique to the Strat Aero group, in-house design and in-house developed.
Q6: What does this mean then for the future for your customers?
A6: So basically this puts the Strat Aero group at the forefront of data delivery to the multiple industries that we essentially work for. UAV is an associated survey tool used for data capture and probably the less understood work is undertaken by a dedicated team of geospace engineers that work hard to deliver data in a geographical formant, that’s cohesive and clear again for the customer. It allows our customers to access their data via a secure online web portal anywhere in the world and for them to see progressive imagery to make their operations safer, faster and greener.