SAE Renewables CEO Graham Reid on Energy Storage Strategy and Revenue Plans (VIDEO)

In this video interview, Graham Reid, the Chief Executive Officer of SAE Renewables (LON:SAE), discusses the company’s strategic vision for becoming a global leader in sustainable energy projects. Reid highlights the central focus on their two key sites, Uskmouth and Meygen in Scotland, where they are developing approximately one gigawatt of battery energy storage systems. He explains the advantages of these sites, including excellent grid and rail access, which bolster the company’s environmental credentials by minimising carbon emissions during construction.

Reid elaborates on the decision to pivot to battery energy storage. He emphasises the alignment of government legislation, site ownership, and grid connections, which drove this strategic shift. Additionally, Reid outlines SAE’s transition towards becoming an Independent Power Producer (IPP), aiming to retain ownership stakes in future projects to secure long-term revenue streams.

The interview also touches on the complementary role of tidal energy in SAE’s portfolio, leveraging the company’s extensive expertise and local knowledge. Reid discusses the potential for growth and the compelling reasons for investors to consider SAE Renewables, including the company’s experienced leadership team and a solid foundation for future expansion.

This interview offers insights into SAE’s comprehensive approach to sustainable energy and its plans to drive forward with innovative energy storage solutions.

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