he commercial real estate industry needs to not only recover quickly from the pandemic, but also have a calculated plan to ensure the safety and efficiency of employees. Even so, employees will only be willing to return to the workplace if they are confident in the health, sanitation and distancing measures being taken.
One of the best methods in creating an environment that is safe is to invest into smart technology, such as new heating and lighting systems, that responds to the number of occupants in the building and provides data to help make improvements.
Installing “healthy by design” into a building can make tracking the health of individual workers much easier as well. Using sensors for air quality and temperature can help keep the environment comfortable for everyone, while ensuring they are provided the healthiest atmosphere possible.
GS Technologies Ltd (LON:GST), through its subsidiary, EMS Wiring Systems Pte. Ltd, provides services in the “Smart Building” sector. Smart Building is a diverse term that refers to the technological capabilities of buildings and other work place facilities.