Strat Aero Plc (LON:AERO) an international aerospace company focused on the rapidly emerging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (“UAV”) sector yesterday saw it’s shares rocket from yesterdays opening of around 0.46 GBX to over 1.07 GBX with a 150% increase after news that the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (‘CAA’) had granted Strat Aero National Qualified Entity (‘NQE’) status. The grant of NQE status meant that the company could launch of several new training initiatives including the Applied Unmanned Technical Qualification (‘AUTQ’). Unlike many training organisations, Strat Aero flies its own commercial UAV fleet to deliver inspection and survey services to clients – which means that real-world learning’s can be embedded directly into Strat Aero’s training materials.
Iain McLure, the CEO said “We are delighted that our training operation has now been formally recognised by the CAA, one of the world’s leading National Aviation Authorities.”
Strat Aero plc is a multi-divisional international aerospace services company, focussed primarily on the provision of complete client solutions in the Unmanned Aerial System (‘UAS’ market), which is predicted to show exponential growth over the coming decade. Commercial and military applications in UASs are expected to be a dynamic growth sector in the aerospace industry over the next 10 years with the UAS market forecast to grow to more than US$82.1 billion between 2015 and 2025 (AUVSI Economic Report 2013) and the global airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (‘ISR’) market estimated to grow to US$19.23 billion by 2023.