CyanConnode Holdings plc

What to expect from a smart meter installation

If you haven’t had a smart meter fitted yet, here’s what to expect from getting a smart meter installed.  Energy companies should all now be installing second-generation smart meters (SMETS2 meters),

CyanConnode Holdings plc

Smart meter rollout hits 30m milestone

More than 30 million smart and advanced meters have been installed in Great Britain, the latest government figures have revealed. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has

CyanConnode Holdings plc

Top fast-growing Cambridge startups to watch

Have you ever wondered who is on the list of companies with the highest growth rates in Cambridge? You’re not alone. There are hundreds of companies founded there, and it

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CyanConnode: Indian smart meter programme update

On 14 and 15 October 2022, the Indian Ministry of Power held a “Brainstorming Session” at the Power Ministers’ Conference. The presentation for the session contains a detailed update on

CyanConnode Holdings plc

COP27 – What to expect?

What is COP27? “COP” stands for “Conference of the Parties” – that is, the countries that have signed up to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COP27