Sativa Group

The changing landscape of CBD in the UK

Reports estimate that up to 8 million people in the UK use CBD for its variety of wellness benefits. The market is currently worth £300 million, a figure which is

Sativa Group

Why CBD-based products could be the future

There may be over 34 million adult smokers in the US, but nearly 70% of those people are trying to kick the habit. Unfortunately, only a handful are ever successful,

Sativa Group

Sativa Group record month of revenues in June

Sativa Group Plc [AQSE: SATI], the UK’s leading quoted CBD wellness and medicinal cannabis company, has recorded a record month of revenues for the Group in June. Record sales have

Sativa Group

CBD Oil for Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Hemp and CBD oil were federally legalized with the 2018 Farm Bill, but scientists have been researching cannabidiol and its potential benefits for many years prior to the cannabis boom.

Sativa Group

CBD for anxiety: What you need to know

A lot of health claims now surround CBD, some of them more substantiated than others. You may have heard that CBD is an effective anxiety medication, but how true is