Volta Finance


Many who followed the 2008 financial crisis closely, would know about CDO (collateralized debt obligations). They were a major reason triggering the financial crises. There is another similar term, CLO

Volta Finance

Biggest CLO buyer plots return

Many of the biggest whales in collateralized loan obligations are returning to the $900 billion market after spending much of last year on the sidelines, a shift that could make

Volta Finance

CLO sales surge

Collateralized loan obligation sales have rebounded so strongly that the heavy supply is crimping a rally in the sector even while investors seek to rotate into floating-rate notes as Treasury yields march

Volta Finance

Credit markets are surfing on waves of money

Investors seeking yield in corporate loans may be beaten to the punch by loads of cash—even sometimes from special-purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, and ordinary banks. The prospect of inflation

Volta Finance

The next 10 years of impact investment

To get an idea of where impact investment might be headed over the next decade, the authors examine where the field has been in three areas that play an outsized