Q&A with Robin Savage Research Director at Zeus Capital: Xafinity PLC (LON:XAF)
Zeus Capital’s Robin Savage discusses Xafinity PLC in this exclusive interview with DirectorsTalk
Zeus Capital’s Robin Savage discusses Xafinity PLC in this exclusive interview with DirectorsTalk
Xafinity Plc (LON:XAF) are the topic of convertsation when Robin Savage, Research Director at Zeus Capital talks to DirectorsTalk. Robin explains why Xafinity, the listed pension consultancy, welcomed the CMA’s
What’s new Yesterday Xafinity Plc (LON:XAF) and Markets Authority, “CMA”, launched a market investigation into investment consultancy and fiduciary management services. Yesterday, Xafinity’s Head of Pension Investment commented: “[Xafinity] fully
The UK government announced yesterday that it would ban cold-calls and tighten protections against transfers to fraudulent schemes. It is hoped that this “two-pronged” attack on scammers will not only
During July 2017 transfer values (as measured by the Xafinity Transfer Value Index) stayed relatively stable, falling by less than 1% from £232,000 at the beginning of July to £230,000
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the FCA in Microsoft Word format if possible)(i) —————————————————————————————————- 1a. Identity of the issuer Xafinity PLC or
Xafinity Plc (LON:XAF) is the topic of conversation when Robin Savage, research director at Zeus Capital caught up with DirectorsTalk. Robin explains what the company does, the main points for
Xafinity Plc (LON:XAF), which was listed on the LSE on 16 February 2017, has reported its results for the year to 31 March 2017. Highlights include: 1 Revenue of £52.0m
This week, Xafinity Plc (LON:XAF) formally launched “DB Sense”, a “complete solution for small Defined Benefit pension schemes”, which could save an “average” £25m DB scheme £137,500 per annum. Xafinity
Zeus Capital’s Robin Savage discusses Xafinity PLC in this exclusive interview with DirectorsTalk