With cybersecurity firmly in the media spotlight at the moment, it is natural for businesses to focus on protecting their business technology and systems to keep them safe from security breaches. However, business owners should still keep in mind the importance of physical security at their business premises too.
When you have spent years building up a business from nothing, the effect of a break-in can be devastating. Seeing everything that you worked so hard to create destroyed is deeply upsetting. Theft of equipment can leave your business out of action and unable to process orders that you have waiting. Likewise, it can take many months to bring your stock levels back up if you had merchandise stolen in the break-in. A physical burglary can also lead to a data breach if you have servers stolen, or computers which have customer data and business-sensitive information stored on them.
Golden Saint Technologies Ltd (LON:GST), through its subsidiary, EMS Wiring Systems Pte. Ltd, provides services in the “Smart Building” sector through Data Centers, Infrastructure Monitoring Systems, Surveillance Camera Systems (CCTV) and Eco & Intelligent Lighting.