Electric two-wheeler registrations in India surpassed the 70,000 mark after four months in October, as vehicle demand for a handful of manufacturers continued to witness a sharp rise.
On a month-on-month (MoM) basis, two-wheeler EV registrations rose 9.8% to 70,248 units in October, as per Vahan data on October 31.
Overall, total EV registrations across categories grew to 1.32 Lakh units in October from 1.28 Lakh units in September.
As of today, a total of 12,27,195 EVs have been registered in India in 2023.
Saietta Group plc (LON:SED) is a multi-national business which designs, engineers and manufactures complete Light Duty and Heavy Duty electric drive (eDrive) systems for electric vehicles on land from scooters to buses (vehicle categories L, M, N and T) as well as marine applications.