We’ve been through three prime ministers, two general elections and suffered three and a half years of uncertainty but, on 31 January, the UK actually did cut ties with the European Union. The UK has now entered the transitional period, which is planned to conclude on 31st December. Everything so far has gone “according to plan”, right? Although the terms of the departure have been agreed, the future relationship between the UK and the EU will still need ironing out. We have a year to do that – that’s about 30% of the time it has taken to agree that it would happen, in the first place. What could possibly go wrong?
In any case, after an uncertain three+ years, Brexit has been delivered (the “while you were out” card says it’s in your designated safe place: behind the wheelie bin).
MJ Hudson works with clients in the fields of law, international administration, fund management, investment advisory, and IR and marketing, across both alternative and traditional asset classes.Gresham House Strategic PLC (LON:GHS) has a 1.3% ownership of MJ Hudson as of June 2018.