Manoj Batra, chief technology officer at Nektan, highlights how those capable of speedy integrations will flourish and ultimately drive revenues for online casinos
SPEED has become of the essence throughout different societies and in all forms of life. From rapid internet loading times to fast-food delivery services. Speed can ultimately lead to a frictionless and therefore happier experience.
This is no different to the casino world where quick gameplay,easy registration processes and fast pay-outs are particularly important to players.
However, the time in which it takes certain actions to unfold must not be focused solely on the end user but also on back-end functions too.
When it comes to platform integrations and service adjustments, the efficiency of delivery can be the key difference between success and failure for a casino business.
In cases where operators are not specialists in integration or technology, they may opt to focus on marketing in order to have a competitive advantage. This can impact timings and the delivery of a quality offering. Quick integration and service adjustment timings will deliver speed to market which will eventually lead to an improved bottom line performance for casinos. There is therefore no time to waste by drawing out bureaucratic corporate processes.
This is increasingly becoming an issue as consolidation sweeps through the igaming industry. We’re now seeing the creation of more and more global powerhouses, all designed to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for customers.
The trouble with this approach is that company mergers often lead to departments becoming unwieldy, inevitably leading to processes becoming longer and integrations often lasting months rather than weeks.