At the start of the pandemic, much of the Western world followed a similar playbook for tackling Covid-19.
Spikes in transmission were met with lockdowns; international travel was heavily restricted; and though domestic constraints frequently proved controversial, hygiene measures like social distancing, hand-washing and mask-wearing were strongly encouraged — if not legally mandated.
The science behind masks is fairly clear, and has only become more robust over the course of the pandemic. Studies have shown that masks significantly decrease the chances of transmitting coronavirus, and some types of masks can help prevent their wearers from catching the virus.
Nanosynth Group plc (LON:NNN) is focused on the synthesis and application of nanoparticles. The group uses a patented process developed by Dr Cave at Nottingham Trent University. It has three subsidiaries; Pharm 2 Farm Ltd, nanosynth ltd and Cloudveil.