The World’s 10 Worst Spammers, according to spam-tracking organization Spamhaus, are the most threatening, “least repentant, most persistent, and generally the worst of the career spammers causing the most damage on the internet currently”.
Well, the world may become a fraction less spammy, now that the man Spamhaus has dubbed the world’s eighth-worst spammer has been indicted.
Michael Persaud, 36, from Scottsdale, Arizona, was indicted last week on federal fraud charges in Illinois for allegedly sending more than 1m spam emails worldwide over at least nine separate computer networks between 2012 and 2015.
Persaud’s been charged with 10 counts of wire fraud, each of which is punishable by up to 20 years in prison, although maximum sentences are rarely handed down. The indictment is also seeking forfeiture of four computers.