With Diversity, Inclusion and Employee Well-Being high on the corporate agenda, Norman Broadbent Group Director, David Mahoney, will be speaking at a special event organised by
The Daily Telegraph this week.
Entitled, ‘Institutional Sexual Harassment: Are Institutions Silent Witnesses?’ David will discuss this topic along with a number of senior figures from a variety of stakeholder groups,
who will share their thoughts, experiences and views.
A major poll with six yes/no questions is also being conducted, link below. As a Convention participant, Norman Broadbent Group is offering interested parties the opportunity to anonymously participate in the poll, the output of which will influence a forthcoming White Paper. As a follow up to the event, the White Paper will then be presented to the UK Parliament.
Commenting on the event and the poll, David Mahoney said, “This is an important event and one we are delighted to be participating in. We all hope that, at the very least, we will see a basic standard of care being introduced, along with guidelines and best practice around the investigation and resolution of complaints.”
He added, “We would also like to thank everyone in advance for participating in the poll. This is an opportunity to have a say, and I hope everyone will!”