Smart “oxo-biodegradable” plastic (OBP) should be seen as part of an overall strategy to improve the
Environment, and it is fully consistent with the principles of “Reduce” “Re-use” “Redesign” and “Recycle.”
• Plastic waste is a serious environmental problem.
• Microplastics are caused by the embrittlement and erosion of ordinary plastic, and these fragments
of plastic can lie or float around for decades adsorbing toxins.
• Bag taxes, and incentives to reduce and recycle are not enough, because thousands of tons of
ordinary plastic will still get into the environment every day, where they will create microplastics.
• We therefore need to stop using ordinary plastic for everyday items.
• Everyday plastic items should urgently be upgraded with OBP technology so that they will safely
degrade and then biodegrade in a much shorter time, if they get into the open environment.
Symphony Environmental Technologies plc (LON:SYM) is a world leader in the development of additives to make ordinary plastic biodegradable and protective technologies to enhance plastic products.