This year’s show comprised of 5 large exhibitor halls and an associated 3 track technical conference event. Attendance seemed significantly up on last year in both the halls and conference, and the overall vibe – as might be expected from a German show – was about the materials, tools and especially equipment needed to industrialise and scale battery technology.
Booth sizes seem to be growing and becoming ever more eye catching. The larger German machine tools companies are now all attending and this year saw a very strong Chinese contingent. Not on a central country specific booth but spread throughout the show floors. Of course, the global reality is that these guys are the incumbents and it is the Europeans playing catch up.
Random battery related eye candy remains a feature, the DeLorean below being an example. But such stunts are becoming the exception and the show increasingly resembles other wider industrialisation and process related machine tool events.
Ilika plc (LON:IKA) is a pioneer in solid state battery technology enabling solutions for applications in Industrial IoT, MedTech, Electric Vehicles and Consumer Electronics.