Can CBD oil really help you to sleep better

The importance of a good night’s sleep can’t be overstated. We’re all trying to get our fix of solutions from pillow spray to audio books. So often, we stay up late exhausting ourselves in order to get a better night’s sleep — then wake up early feeling tired and dreary. Or we toss and turn in bed, replaying the events of the day, our brains cranked up until midnight while our bodies lay there exhausted.

We can all be guilty of not taking time out to stop and recover. But what if there was an easier way?

People have been turning to CBD oil for a long, long time. The Cannabis plant has been cultivated and used for its medicinal and industrial benefits dating back to ancient times. With its use for inducing sleep described in a 1200 A.D. Chinese medical text.

Sativa Wellness Group is focused on developing consumer products under the core “Goodbody” brand. The Goodbody brands are available online and in a growing number of retailers across the UK, all with the commitment of  “CBD you can Trust”.

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